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BYRON (M), nascut/born ~ July 2014, deparazitat/ dewormed, invatat la litiera /litter box trained, ------------ BYRON a fost abandonat, impreuna cu sora lui JOY, la poarta biroului nostru, in luna septembrie. Se pare ca a fost nascut/crescut in casa pentru ca este foarte increzatoar si obisnuit sa foloseasca litiera. Este foarte dragastos, un alintat lenes dar si jucaus ; bineinteles ca joaca vine dupa o portie zdravana de mancarica si un somn bun. Odata cu perioada rece a fost adapostit in birou si se poate spune ca este alintatul tuturor. Stie sa se faca placut pentru ca nu cere decat un coltisor cald. Din pacate biroul nostru isi va inchide “portile” definitiv pe 15 decembrie, anul acesta si cum aceia dintre noi care iubesc pisicile sunt deja fericitii posesori a cate 3, 4 sufletele cu blanita (ne-a “ajutat” putin si faptul ca avand curte au existat mai tot timpul pisoi abandonati), suntem nevoiti si mai ales presati de timp sa ii gasim un camin in care sa se bucure pe mai departe de un locsor caldut si multa iubire. Tel: 0730620501 - mmilea67@gmail.com ------------- BYRON was abandoned, along with his sister JOY, on our office’s gate in September. It seems that he was born / raised in the house because he is very confident and accustomed to use the litter box. He is very loving, a spoiled lazy but playful; of course play comes after a generous portion of food and a good sleep. Once with the coming of cold weather he was housed in the office and it can be say that is everybody’s spoiled. He knows how to makes himself nice and liked because all he is asking for is a warm corner. Unfortunately our office will close “gates” permanently on December, 15th, this year and since those of us who love cats are already the happy owners of 3 or 4 little souls with fur (we were “helped” by the office yard, almost all the time full of abandoned kittens), so we are forced and much more, pressed by the time to find him a home in which to enjoy further a warm little place and a lot of love. Tel: 0730620501 - mmilea67@gmail.com

Anunt pus de:

Mihaela Milea


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